Tips for Summer Visitation

girl have fun eating watermelon

Summertime is a great opportunity for families to reconnect and spend time together. However, it can also be a challenging time if parents are not on the same page. In this blog post, Calfas Law Group, PLLC will provide tips for summer visitation that will help make the process smoother for everyone involved.

Balancing Responsibilities

It can be difficult to juggle work and child-rearing responsibilities, especially during the summer months when school is out and kids are home all day. If you're sharing custody of your children with your ex, summertime can also be a challenging time with coordinating visitation schedules. However, there are some strategies you can implement to make summer visitation smoother and more successful for everyone involved. Start by reviewing any plans you have in place, so you know the schedule. Furthermore, have the same established rules in both homes for the kids. For example, keep bedtime the same, as well as any guidelines about media consumption or spending time with friends.

Co-Parenting Is Key

One of the best tips is to remember the importance of co-parenting. During summer visitation, it is crucial that parents work together to provide a consistent and stable environment for their children. This means communicating openly and frequently, as well as being flexible when necessary. If you find it hard to communicate with your ex-spouse, work to find the strategy best for you. While meeting in person may benefit your children, it is not always possible. Consider email, texting, or even phone calls to stay in contact with each other and provide updates on your children.

Planning As a Family

Another tip is to directly involve your children in the planning of any special activities. This will assist them in feeling more comfortable and excited about the visit, and will also give you a better idea of what they are interested in. Summertime is all about fun, so include plenty of activities that everyone can enjoy! A great way to accomplish this is to sit down and have a conversation with your children. Give them the time and space to express their interests and what would make their summer vacation memorable.

If Challenges Arise

Finally, it is important to be prepared for challenges that may arise during summer visitation. If a conflict does occur, try to remain calm and constructive. If you need help resolving an issue, there are many resources available, such as mediation or counseling. And, if necessary, seek legal representation to help protect your rights as a parent. If your ex-spouse is continuously ignoring the established custody arrangements, make sure to keep thorough documentation of this occurring. This will be useful in the event that your case has to go through the court system.

Following These Tips

By following these tips, you can make summer visitation a fun and positive experience for everyone involved. Co-parenting is not always easy, but it is important to remember that the children's best interests should always come first. With a little planning and effort, summertime can be a great opportunity for families to reconnect and create lasting memories.

Attorneys That Can Help

If you find that you are experiencing issues with your visitation arrangements over the summer, it might be necessary to seek out the help of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. The team at Calfas Law Group, PLLC knows how important summer visitation is for children and their families, and wants the best for you and your case. We can review your situation and determine the best course of action.


Schedule a consultation with us (210) 405-8315 to discuss your custody case.
