Holiday Season for Children of Divorce

Happy girl and dog at Christmas.

Children and adults alike find joy during the holidays. Whether it be spending time with loved ones or gathering around the fire to enjoy holiday treats, there is an emphasis on being together during this season. Sometimes, life-changing events occur that alter how you and your children celebrate the season.

A divorce is a life-altering event that changes an individual’s outlook or attitude on what once may have brought them joy. This is especially true for children of divorce, as they may experience intense emotions surrounding the season. Calfas Law Group, PLLC has suggestions for helping your children remain positive amidst the stress.

Demonstrate Empathy & Understanding

After a divorce, it can take some time to create and set new routines. However, when the holidays roll around, these routines will ultimately change. Depending on you and your co-parent’s decisions, your children may find themselves splitting the day between parents or not seeing one altogether. Consider how these changes will impact your children and their holiday experience.

One way to ensure that your children feel recognized and heard by you as a parent is to demonstrate empathy and understanding. Ask questions about how they feel, and let them know that you understand they are experiencing a tough situation. Empathize with them, acknowledging that your holiday season has also changed and that you will work as a team to make it a positive experience.

Be a Positive Role Model

Perhaps one of the best things you can do during this time is to act as a positive role model for your children. When interacting with your ex-spouse, do so cooperatively. Children can pick up on the emotions in interactions, meaning you should do your best to maintain positive conversations. Furthermore, you can adopt a joyful outlook of the season, influencing your children’s attitudes.

New Memories Are Possible

While you may be stuck in the past and reminiscing on old holiday memories, know that it is possible to create new, positive experiences for you and your children. If your children are old enough, you can involve them in the process of coming up with ideas. Ask them what their holiday wishes are and how they would like to spend time as a family.

However, it is essential to note that you can still participate in old family traditions. By doing this you can provide your children with comfort during a time where change is inevitable. If you and your co-parent can get along, consider coming together as a family and putting the kids first.

San Antonio Child Custody Attorneys

Calfas Law Group, PLLC understands the challenges presented by child custody and parenting schedules. If you ever encounter issues with your agreement, know that we are here to help support you through this process.

Schedule a consultation with us (210) 405-8315 to discuss your custody case.